Imitation of Christ | Book 1


Thoughts Helpful In the Life of the Soul

Part 1 - 1

1. Imitating Christ and Despising All Vanities on Earth
2. Having A Humble Opinion of Self
3. The Doctrine of Truth
4. Prudence in Action
5. Reading the Holy Scripture                                                                                          

Part 1 - 2

6. Unbridled Affections
7. Avoiding False Hope and Pride
8. Shunning Over-Familiarity
9. Obedience and Subjection
10. Avoiding Idle Talk

Part 1 - 3

11. Acquiring Peace and Zeal for Perfection
12. The Value of Adversity
13. Resisting Temptation
14. Avoiding Rash Judgment
15. Works Done in Charity

Part 1 - 4

16. Bearing With the Faults of Others
17. Monastic Life
18. The Example Set Us by the Holy Fathers
19. The Practices of a Good Religious
20. The Love of Solitude and Silence

Part 1 - 5

21. Sorrow of Heart
22. Thoughts on the Misery of Man
23. Thoughts on Death

Part 1 - 6

24. Judgment and the Punishment of Sin
25. Zeal in Amending Our Lives