St. Francis of Assisi

Life of St. Francis of Assisi. CHAPTER I. The manner of life of St. Francis whilst he yet wore the secular habit. In the city of Assisi there dwelt a man named Francis , whose memory is in benediction: for God in His mercy, preventing him with His Divine blessing, vouchsafed to deliver him from the perils of this present

Chapter 2. Perfect conversion of St. Francis to God— he rebuilds three churches. Throughout all the time of which we have hitherto spoken, this great servant of God had neither master nor teacher to guide or instruct him, except only Christ our Lord, who, in addition to the gifts already bestowed upon him, was pleased now to visit him with

Chapter 3. The institution of the order, and the approbation of the rule of St. Francis. Francis, the servant of God, abode thus for some time in the Church of the Virgin Mother of God, pouring forth continual prayers to her who had conceived the Word, full of grace and truth, that she would vouchsafe to be his advocate; and

Chapter 4. The increase of his order, and of the confirmation of the rule already approved. After these things, Francis, being full of faith in Divine grace, and the approbation of the Apostolic See, went his way to the valley of Spoleto, there to preach the Gospel, and to fulfil the evangelical precepts. And on his way he conferred with

Chapter 5. The austerity of his life, and how all creatures gave him joy and consolation. Now, when Francis, the servant of God, saw that many were excited and encouraged by his example to take up the cross of Christ, and to follow him as a brave leader of Christ’s army, he himself grew still more fervent in his endeavour

Chapter 6. His humility and obedience, and how the divine majesty granted all his prayers. The man of God was filled to overflowing with humility, which is the glory and the guardian of all other virtues. In his own estimation he was a grievous sinner, though he was in truth the mirror and the glory of all sanctity. Upon this

Chapter 7. His love of poverty, and the wonderful provision made for all his wants by god. Amidst the other graces which Francis received from the bountiful Giver of all good gifts, he merited by a special prerogative to increase continually in the treasure of simplicity by the love of most deep poverty. For the holy man considering this poverty

Chapter 8. His tender piety, and how even creatures devoid of reason were obedient to his will. True piety , which, according to the Apostle, is profitable for all things, had so filled and penetrated the heart of Francis, the servant of God, that he was seen to be wholly subject to its dominion. He was thereby raised to God

Chapter 9. The fervour of his charity, and of his desire of martyrdom. Who can express the fervent charity which burnt in the heart of Francis, the friend of the Bridegroom? For, he seemed to be absorbed, as a live coal in the furnace, in the flame of divine love. As soon as he heard the love of the Lord

Chapter 10. His fervour and diligence in prayer. The servant of Christ, knowing that he was in his body a pilgrim and an exile from the Lord, had already become, for the charity of Christ, wholly insensible to the desire of earthly or exterior things, lest he should remain without the consolation of true love; and so, praying without intermission,
