Life after Death | Orthodox | 21
What is the Gehenna? What kind of suffering is there?
What is its essence and designation?
This question worries a lot of people.
And above all it is connected with the teaching of Revelation about eternal torments of sinners.
The complexity of understanding of this issue is not only in the fact that that is closed from us by impenetrable curtain,
but also that eternity – is not time (Revelation 10, 6): “there will be no more delay” (time), and human conscience, plunged into a stream of time cannot imagine it.
The apostle Paul, for one, was caught up to the third heaven (2 Corinthians, 12, 2-4).
Where was he? – In Eternity.
Then he returned back to our time.
There - there is no time, there - there is Eternity.
But it is not an endlessness of the time, but something quite different.
We know only that we can cross from being in time over to Eternity, and from Eternity to return to our time. That is probably all.
What did the apostle Paul say, when he returned from Eternity?
He expressed the idea very illustrative:
He heard “the inexpressive things, things that man is not permitted to tell” (2 Corinthians, 12, 2-4) – that means he heard words which cannot be retold to another man.
There the language is quite different, here it is absolutely incomprehensible, as if someone will start speaking among us, for one, ancient Ethiopian.
There everything is not like here.
That is why to dwell on what is there, what is eternity is senseless.
God in His Gospel opens a man not mysteries of the future world, but offers him a way and means to enter that age, where a person will see everything “face to face” (1 Corinthians, 13,12).
And the dogmatic truths are open so far as it is needed for our correct spiritual life, and that only drives us to knowledge of mysteries of that world.
Greatly mistaken is he, who thinks that we understand or are able to understand the mysteries of the Trinity of the single God, of the Incarnation, Christ’s Cross, and others.
All Christian truths revealed by God are needed for a man as firm guidelines on the way of salvation in his spiritual life.
It is very important to understand that the Good news of Christ is of educational character, targeted exclusively at transformation of a man, at his deification, but not at filling his mind with fresh information about that world.
Realities of that world always remain a mystery for an earthy man.
This feature of Revelation embraces to the full extent all the religious doctrines, including the heralding about paradise and hell.
The Word of God about endless torments was the utmost tension of His voice of love, wanting to save a man from horror of after death Gehenna sufferings.
That is quite understandable – love cannot help doing all possible in order to warn and get rid of a beloved person from torments.
That is why the Church repeats the words of the Gospel through the writings of Saint Fathers: yes, for the righteous there will be Kingdom of eternal joy, and the impenitent will go to eternal torments. And that is it.
Even such a sore question is asked:
how to combine Christian teaching about God-Love with the teaching that Love gives life to those, about whom Love knows that they will voluntary choose evil and will be subjected to endless torments?
Though it is absolutely clear, that Love cannot commit anything like that, there is something unclear.
St. Isaac of Syria said about it in very strong words:
“If a man says that He makes peace with them (sinners) here to show His long suffering in order to torment them ruthlessly there – such man thinks inexpressively blasphemously about God… Such man tells a lie about Him”.
“The merciful Lord of Heaven has created the reasonable creatures not with the aim to subject them to an endless sorrow ruthlessly
– those creatures about whom He knew before their creation what would come out of them after the creation and despite He created them”.
In Revelation we find direct assertions both about the eternity of torments, and simultaneously the teaching about their finiteness and salvation of all men.
The following parts of the Holy Scripture speak about the above mentioned:
“That servant who knows his master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows.
But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows” (Luke, 12, 47-48).
And “…his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light.
It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work.
If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward.
If it is burned up, he will suffer loss, he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.
(1 Corinthians, 3, 13-15)
“When he has done this (put everything under Christ), then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all”.
(1 Corinthians, 15, 28).
“And Christ died for all…” (2 Corinthians, 5, 15)
“And for this we labour and strive that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, and especially of those who believe”.
(1 Timothy, 4, 10).
“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men”.
(Titus, 2, 11 ).
The same things were indicated in most of Saint Fathers writings, – and they are not in the vein of Origen’s apocatastasis, saying about the repeated restoration of all the objective reality, which was condemned by the Fifth Ecumenical Council.
On the theological-speculative plane this issue has no its unambiguous solution.
And no wonder.
Any reasonable man understands - if a human mind confronts insurmountable boundaries in cognizing our visible world, the more so it would take place in cognizing the realities of that world.
The future life is really a great mystery.
That is why the most reasonable attitude to this outstanding question is the sincere humbleness before this mystery.
We do not understand eternity, we do not know either paradise, or hell,
it is not opened for us what is a new sky or a new earth, we cannot imagine the universal resurrection and a life in a new body and etc.,
that is why let’s give up a dream to solve an equation with many unknown quantities, bow with our belief before love and wisdom of God,
let’s believe that God has neither untruth, nor revenge, nor reward, but He has only one boundless love and, consequently, for each person the eternity will directly correspond to his spiritual state, his free self-determination.
Venerable John of Damascus wrote about it in quite definite terms:
“In the next age as well God will give benefits to everyone – because He is the source of good, pouring grace on everyone, but each communes for the good, as far as he has prepared himself to apprehend”.
St. Isaac of Syria wrote even more eloquently:
“He (God) does nothing with the aim of vengeance, but He watches the benefit that must result from His actions. One of these is Gehenna”
“If the Kingdom and Gehenna had not been provided in the mind of our graceful God from the very start of good and evil, then God’s intentions about them would not have been eternal;
but righteousness and sin had been known to God before they manifested themselves.
Thus, the Kingdom and Gehenna are the consequence of mercy which in their essence were designed by God because of His eternal grace;
but they are not the consequence of reward, even if He gave them the name of reward”.
For “where there is love there is no retribution, while where the retribution is present there is no love”.
A striking answer to the most complicated question of eschatology!
So that is why fiery hell exists:
not for the retribution, not for the infinite punishment, but as the last Divine Providence resort of God’s love, Who gazes at the good, which should take place thanks to His actions.
Fiery hell was designed by God not for infinite torments of a man, but for his salvation:
The Kingdom of God and Fiery hell – are the consequence of mercy, not reward!
The merciful Lord has created reasonable creatures not with the aim to ruthlessly put them to the endless grief!
St. Gregory of Nyssa, a brother of St. Basil the Great thought in the same way. He wrote, for example:
”…after the complete elimination of evil from all the creatures, a God-like beauty will shine again, in the image of which we were created at the beginning.”
The same was highlighted with a great force by St. John Chrysostom in his Easter Word.
True, a fool may derive a conclusion from the similar assertions, considering it possible to deliver people from infernal flame of passions:
- Oh, posthumous torments are not infinite – let’s live here to our heart’s content!
But listen, how strongly St. Isaac of Syria warns from that light-mindedness:
“Take care in our souls, my beloved, and comprehend
that despite fiery hell is due to be limited, the taste of being in it is horrible enough, and it is beyond our understanding to cognate the degree of being tortured in it”.
Frightful is the Gehenna experience of outer darkness, “good” outside God, though it might be limited “in time”, despite it could end with entering the Kingdom.
The Apostle writes:
“…his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light.
It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work.
If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward.
If it is burned up, he will suffer loss, he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames”.
(1 Corinthians, 3, 13-15).
This is a remarkable image, showing that the state of salvation could be different.
For one person it is with glory and honour for the exploit of righteous life,
the other person, though he will be saved , but as if crossing through the flames, as everything that had been done by him turned out to be spiritually fruitless, poor, senseless - straw, burnt down at the first test by fire for eternity (1 Corinthians 3, 12).
Look, what is happening with a man, who has his lifework burnt down:
Who would agree to get a tremendous wealth on condition of going through cruel torments of sadists? I think no one, who is sober-minded!
When at the World conference the Russian representatives showed video cassettes with recordings of torments and monstrous executions of our war prisoners in Chechnya, many delegates could not withstand that, closed their eyes, stopped up their ears, ran out of the hall.
It was impossible to see – and what about testing it yourself? Really not for any benefits! The same is with fiery hell, though it might subject to limitation.
If only it could be possible to show what suffering is in store for a man, when passions are disclosed and start acting in their full force, so, probably, no one would like to live with full enjoyment – and then- let it be, whatever it might be.
No, God save us from even a mini contact with fiery hell!
Now we can comprehend why there are such strong expressions in the Holy Scripture as
“they will go away to eternal punishment” (Matthew, 25, 46),
‘will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth”(Matthew, 8, 12),
here is why so persistently the Church warns us about eternal sufferings of sinners.
Yes, love cannot help making everything possible, in order to save a beloved one from sufferings! That is why ‘take care in our souls, beloved ones”!