Life after Death | Orthodox | 6

“I am in Hell!..”

We find something principally new and important in the book by Moritz RoulingsBeyond the threshold of death” as compared with the information given By Moudy.

Moritz was a well-known doctor-cardiologist, professor at the Tennessee University (USA), who used to return people back to life, who were in a state of a clinical death.

The book is abundant in great number of facts.

It is worth noting that M. Roulings was a kind of man who was quite indifferent to religion, but after one event in 1977 (the book starts with this story) he started viewing the problem of man, soul, death, eternal life and God differently.

The facts that the physician describes, makes us ponder over the issue seriously:

Roulings tells us how he began the reanimation of a patient who was in a state of a clinical death. He tried to make his heart work by means of massage, ordinary for this case. It was the common thing in his practice.

But he encountered such a phenomenon, which had never occurred in his life before:

His patient, upon recovering for a few moments started fiercely screaming: “I am in hell!”, “Don’t stop!” The doctor asked what frightened him.

Don’t you understand? I am in hell! When you stop making me massage I turn to be in hell! Don’t let me return there!” So it was repeated several times.

Dr. Roulings writes that as he was a man physically strong, he sometimes worked so hard that there were instances when he broke his patients’ ribs.

That is why when they came to their senses they usually begged:
Stop torturing my breast! You hurt me!

In that case the doctor heard something very unusual: “Don’t stop!”

And he describes further:

“Only at the moment when I looked at his face I was seized with alarm.

The expression on his face was much worse than at the moment of his death.

His face was distorted by an awful grimace, meaning a horror, pupils of the eyes were widened, he was trembling and he was bathed in sweat, - in other words all this defies description”.

Then Dr. Roulings writes when that person finally regained consciousness he told him about his terrifying sufferings during his death.

The sick person was prepared to endure anything but not to return back there. There was hell!

Later on when the cardiologist started investigating similar cases, asking his colleagues about it, it turned out that there were a lot of such facts in their practice.

Since that time he has started writing down stories of the reanimated patients.

Not everyone revealed. But these stories which were quite open, were more than sufficient to make sure in the continued life of a personality after death.

But what life?

In his book Dr. Roulings informs us, unlike Moudy,

that half of “resurrected” people say that it is very good there and they don’t like to return from there and they came back unwillingly, without a joy,

but the other part of reanimated , on the contrary, tells that they saw there fire lakes, horrible monsters and experienced painful feelings and sufferings.

And, Roulings writes:

The number of cases of the acquaintance with the hell is increasing rapidly”.

He generalizes the reports of the reanimated in the following words:

”They assert that death – a thought of which frightens an ordinary man – is not a termination of life or drowsiness, but a transition from one form of life to another – sometimes pleasant and joyful, and sometimes gloomy and terrifying”.

Especially interesting are the facts concerning the saved suicides.

All of them (no one knows any exceptions) experienced there the hardest tortures.

Moreover these tortures were connected with both psychological, spiritual experiences and (especially) with visual. These were the hardest sufferings.

Monsters appeared in front of the poor, the very sight of those made their souls shudder and there was no place to hide from them, there was no chance to close their eyes, to close their ears.

There was no way out of this horrible state!

When one girl was returned to senses she kept asking about: Mammy, help me. Make them depart from me … them, demons in the hell! It was so awful!”

Roulings cites another very serious fact:

the majority of his patients, who narrated about their spiritual tortures survived by them in the clinical death, resolutely changed their moral life.

Some of them kept silent, but it was possible to understand by their subsequent life, that they had experienced something very horrible.