Life after Death | Orthodox | 8

Consequences of progenitors’ sin

The Fall of the first men, who imagined themselves Gods, resulted in the fact that changes of ontological nature took place in Man’s nature.

Saint Fathers call them as a firstborn damage (St. Basil the Great), inherited corruption (St. Macarius of Egypt), even a sin in a Western theology, then in our theological thought – original sin.

The man’s flesh – a body and a soul became according to the fathers, - plump, vested in “garments of skin” (Genesis, 3, 21).

What kind of changes – that is clearly described by St. Maximus the Confessor (VII c.):

God having taken upon Himself the condemnation for my voluntary sin, I mean – having taken passionability, perishability and mortality of [human] nature”….

These 3 qualities became inalienable in human’s nature; all people are born with them.

It should be noted however that these changes are of constitutional character, but not of spiritual-moral one, though they turn to be an unsteady soil, on which a person can easily slide down to a sin.

What is meant by passion?

If a spiritual body could not suffer, after becoming “plump” the flesh is subjected to different sufferings both of body and a soul.

(A Slavic word passion means, in particular, suffering – “the passions of Christ”).

It is well explained by St. John of Damascus (VIII cen.):

“Natural and irreproachable passions are not within our power, they have come into our life as a consequence of condemnation, which took place due a crime (of the first people),

as, for example, hunger, thirst, tiredness, labour, tear, decomposition, death evasion, fear, death throes, from which comes perspiration, drops of blood…and etc.

what is inherent to all people” …

But these original passions (non-sinful, ‘non-reproachful”, according to St. Maximus the Confessor) should be distinguished from the passion that is sinful, which appears in a man as a result of the sins committed by himself and following his sinful heredity.

St. Gregory of Nyssa explains the beginnings of sinful passions in such a way:

“A slave of pleasures makes the required necessities by way of passions:

instead of meals he seeks the pleasures of a belly, he prefers adorning to clothes, luxurious apartments to comfort of rooms, instead of giving birth to children he turns his eyes to illegal and forbidden pleasures.

That is why money-grabbing, delicacy, pride, vanity, libertinism have come into life through wide-open gates”.

What is perishability?

Look at a child and an old man. Here is the process of perishability, what it makes with a man! And at last the body of a man became mortal.

Here are the three main illnesses, which appeared as a result of the Fall of our progenitors and they are transferred to all people without exception.

All of them are unluckily tied with the “original sin”.

For in the given case a “sin” means, as we see, not personal guilt of each of Adam”s descendants for his sin, but the single for all corruption, sickness of the human nature.

Besides the original and personal sins there is a tribal sin.

Parents and ancestors endow their descendants with not only bodily and psychical illnesses but with spiritual ones (for example, strongly pronounced envy, anger, avidity and etc.).

All the people are born with them, but they become apparent in each man differently.

And though a man does not bear the responsibility for these inherited illnesses, but he is morally responsible for his attitude to them – whether he struggles with them or on the contrary, he develops them.

This inherited sinful nature is called a tribal or ancestral sin.

Christ only had an absolute immaculate nature, he didn’t only committed a sin Himself, but he was withdrawn from the stream of a tribal sin due to his birth from the Holy Spirit and the Holy Virgin Mary.

St. Fathers speak about this.

For example St. Gregory Palamas:

Christ “was the only one who was neither born in lawlessnesses, nor carried in a sinful belly”.

Thus, three different phenomena are called the same word “sin”.

But a sin in a direct sense is only a sin that is personal.

The original and tribal sins are called a sin in a figurative sense, as they are an inherited illness, and not a personal deed, for which a man bears responsibility.

Misunderstanding of this terminological difference leads to serious creed delusions, one of which concerns a human nature, perceived by God-the-Word and from here the main Christian religious teaching – the essence of the Christ’s Sacrifice.

When the original sin is interpreted as a guilt of all peoples (Teaching of a Catholic church), and a false conclusion is made, that God-the-Word has perceived not our “sinful” nature but a first-man made, immortal, imperishable nature of the First Adam.

This was the teaching of Monophysites and Monothelites.

According to a teaching of one of them,

“upon incarnation, Christ has assumed a soul and a body in the shape which Adam had before the Fall.

If Christ got tired, craved for food, cried and etc., He did it only because He wanted it but not due to necessity”.

At first glance this is an error purely speculative, in reality however it results in fatal consequences for Christianity – actual denial of the essence of Christ’s cross passions.

Above all, how could Christ suffer and die if He possessed impassionate and immortal nature?

Assertion of Monothelites and the one made by pope Honorius, convicted by the Church Council, that during His earthy life Christ made His body by some specific action either hungry, or thirsty, crying suffering, at last mortal, looks like a fantastic game.

St. John of Damascus armed himself against that with all his might.

“So, - he wrote, - it is impious to say as reckless Julian and Gaian assert, that the body of God was imperishable before resurrection.

For if it had been imperishable, it would not have had the same essence with us and in the same way quite illusory happened, what the Gospel says, - hunger, thirst, nails, perforation of a rib, death.

If that had happened only illusory, the administration of this mystery would have been a lie and a fraud, and He would have made Himself man only shadowy, not in reality, and we are saved illusory not truly;

but – no! And those who say that, they will not participate in salvation!”

In fact if the Son of God had healed the human nature way back in incarnation, having taken it as impassionate, imperishable, immortal, so Cross becomes unnecessary.

By this the major thing in Christianity is abolished – the Cross victim of Christ and a direct battle against cross is consolidated.

That is why St. Athanasius the Great indignant that some people ascribe the first-man qualities to the human nature taken by the Son of God wrote:

let them be silent those who assert, that Christ’s flesh is inaccessible to death, but immortal in essence!”.

The same thing was asserted by a great number of Church Fathers.

For example, Gregory the Theologian (IV c.):

“He (Christ) got tired and got hungry, he was thirsty and was in a state of struggle and cried – according to a law of a body’s nature”.

St. Ephraim of Syria:

He was the son of that Adam, over whom a death reigned, according to the apostle”.

Gregory Palamas:

”The Word of God assumed such a flesh, what we have, though absolutely pure, though mortal and unhealthy”.

The expression of a liturgical understanding of this issue is, for one, a prayer behind the ambo at the liturgy of the Pre-consecrated Offerings on Great Monday in Jerusalem.

There are such words in it: “The King of ages…Christ, our God…

You, having taken our poor nature, is not privy to passions due to Your God’s nature, if not having been vested in passionate and deathly nature by Your own will”.

There are a lot of these texts in Orthodox Church service.

Saint fathers say that the Son of God united with the human nature in everything except sin, though with the first man corruption, but without a tribal sin and that is why is absolutely pure spiritually.

And it is by incarnation but by His Cross sufferings God has healed the first damage of the human nature, having resurrected it.

That is clearly stated in the epistle to Hebrews:

In bringing many sons to glory, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering” (Hebrews, 2, 10).

That is why St. Maximus the Confessor wrote:

The immutability of the fulfilment in Christ has returned impassionability, imperishability and immortality to this nature through the Resurrection”.

Mortality, perishability and liability to sufferings – are the qualities of the fallen human’s nature are that incrustation on a healthy body (garments of skin, - Genesis, 3, 21), which Christ operated by His death of a martyr in Humanity perceived by Him.

Having resurrected it, He became a new Adam, having opened the gates of the Kingdom of God for all capable for spiritual birth.

Christianity teaches about the future general resurrection, when owing to passions and resurrection of Christ the nature of a man will raise healed, glorified, spiritually perfect.

However to get a new flesh everyman must take off his garments of skin – a death of a body. Even the Mother of God went through the gates of death to acquire a new, spiritual body.