Mother Teresa | 8. Virtues


8. Virtues

"If we were humble, nothing would change us - neither praise nor discouragement:

If someone were to criticize us, we would not feel discouraged.
If someone were to praise us, we also would not feel proud."

Who are we to accuse anybody?

It is possible that we see them do something we think is not right, but we do not know why they are doing it.

Jesus encouraged us not to judge anyone.

May we are then ones responsible for others doting things we think are not right.

Let us not forget that we are dealing with our brothers and sisters:

That leper, that sick person, that drunk, are all our brothers and sisters.
They, too, have been created by a greater love.

This is something we should never forget.

That sick person, that alcoholic, that thief - are my brothers and sisters.

It is possible that they find themselves abandoned in the street because no one gave them love and understanding. You and I could be in their place if we had not received love and understanding from other human beings.

I will never forget the alcoholic man who told me his history. He was a man who had surrendered to alcohol to forget the fact that no one loved him.

Before we judge the poor, we have the duty to look inside ourselves.

It is said that humility is truth.

The path that will make us more like Jesus is the path to humility.

Pride destroys everything. To imitate Jesus is the key to be meek and humble in heart.

If there were more love, more unity, more peace, and more happiness within the family, there wouldn't be so many alcoholics and drug addicts.

Joy is prayer.
Joy is strength.
Joy is love.

Joy is a net of love with which we can "catch" souls.

I prefer to make a mistake because I am too kind than to perform miracles without any kindness.

We all have the duty to work for peace. But in order to achieve peace, we should learn from Jesus to be meek and humble of heart (Matthew 11:29).

Only humility will lead us to unity, and unity will lead to peace.

Let us help one another draw nearer to Jesus to learn to be humble and joyful.

I don't worry about orchestrating politics. Better said, I don't have time for worrying about these things.This is something everybody knows.

Am I not mistaken?

I prefer, in any case, if I make a mistake, to do it out of charity.